Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Selasa, 11 September 2012

Kisah Di Balik Legenda No.7 Di Manchester United

Kisah Di Balik Legenda No.7 Di Manchester United

fashingnet.com-Siapa sih yang tidak kenal Setan Merah? Sedikit banyak anda pasti tahu, menggemari, membenci atau bahkan memuja tim sepakbola yang satu ini: Manchester United. Tim asal Inggris yang berasal dari kota Manchester ini (ya iyalah… namanya aja Manchester United, masa dari Timbuktu) memang menjadi salah satu tim papan atas di Britania Raya setelah sukses merebut 11 gelar Premier League, 4 gelar Piala FA, 3 gelar Piala Liga, 8 Community Shield, 2 gelar Liga Champions, 1 gelar Piala Winners, 1 Piala Interkontinental, 1 Piala FIFA Club World Cup dan 1 Super Cup dalam dua dasawarsa terakhir. Di Liga Inggris sendiri, MU hanya bisa digantikan sebagai pemuncak oleh tiga tim, Arsenal, Chelsea dan Blackburn Rovers.

Dalam sejarah panjangnya, Manchester United selalu mencetak pemain-pemain berkelas. Nama-nama legendaris melenggang penuh pesona di lapangan hijau stadion kebanggaan Old Trafford untuk menyajikan permainan menawan. Dari seluruh pemain yang turun untuk Man Utd, pemain dengan nomor punggung 7 selalu menjadi sorotan. Kenapa? Entah kenapa seperti ada daya magis berlebih bagi pemain bernomor punggung ini bagi fans Setan Merah. Mereka yang memakai nomor punggung ini menjadi legenda hidup yang selalu dikenang sebagai terbaik di jamannya.

Berikut adalah tujuh pemain bernomor punggung tujuh milik Manchester United yang penuh pesona maupun kontroversi dari masa ke masa.

(karir di MU: 1963-1974), Irlandia Utara, posisi FW/W, 470 penampilan, 179 gol.
Best yang lahir pada tanggal 22 Mei 1946 adalah seorang pemain sayap super yang mampu mengkombinasikan kecepatan, akselerasi, keseimbangan, kemampuan mencetak gol, kegesitan melewati hadangan lawan serta secara natural mampu menggocek bola sama baik dengan kedua kakinya. Masa kejayaan Best berlangsung di tahun 1968 ketika ia meraih gelar Pemain Terbaik Eropa dan merebut Piala Champion bersama MU. Selama karirnya yang cemerlang Best berhasil merebut simpati penggemar Setan Merah.

Begitu hebatnya Best sehingga IFFHS (International Federation of Football History & Statistics) memilihnya di urutan 11 jajaran Pemain Terbaik Eropa Abad Ini dan peringkat 16 dalam pemilihan Pemain Terbaik Dunia Abad ini pada tahun 1999. Pele menyebutnya sebagai salah satu dari 125 Pemain Terbaik Dunia di peringkat 19 di belakang legenda Jerman Gerd Muller.

Sebelum era Beckham, George Best-lah yang menjadi 'seleb' atau pesohor bola Theatre of Dreams. Sayang gaya hidupnya yang senang berpesta membuatnya kecanduan alkohol yang pada akhirnya mengakibatkan kejatuhan karir dan kematiannya, Best meninggal di usia 59 tahun pada bulan November 2005. Begitu parahnya kecanduan ini hingga pada suatu ketika Best mencuri dompet seorang wanita tidak dikenal ketika dia bermain di Amerika hanya untuk membeli minuman keras. Namun sumbangannya bagi dunia sepakbola membuat nama Best tetap dikenang sebagai salah satu pemain terbaik dunia.

Nama Best diabadikan sebagai nama bandara di Belfast City yang kini bernama George Best Belfast City Airport. Di Irlandia Utara, ungkapan apresiasi ini menjadi legenda: "Maradona good; Pelé better; George Best."

(1968-1975), Skotlandia, W, 296, 34
Willie adalah panggilan kesayangan William Morgan yang lahir 2 Oktober 1944 di Sauchie, Clackmannanshire. Pemain bola asal Skotlandia ini bertipe sayap dan memulai karirnya di Burnley. Ia memperoleh tempat tetap di tim utama Burnley untuk menggantikan John Connelly yang hijrah ke Manchester United. Hebatnya, pada pertandingan Boxing Day melawan MU, Morgan mencetak dua gol pertamanya untuk membantu Burnley menghajar MU 6-1 di Turf Moor.

Musim panas 1968, Morgan didatangkan oleh Sir Matt Busby ke Man Utd untuk sekali lagi mengisi pos yang ditinggalkan oleh John Connelly. Morgan mencetak 34 gol selama karirnya untuk Setan Merah walaupun gagal menembus final Piala Champion setelah ditundukkan AC Milan. Tahun 1970 dan 1971, Morgan dianugerahi Supporters Player of the Year dua tahun berturut-turut. Pada tahun 1972, setelah bermain melawan Brazil mewakili negaranya, Morgan mendapat julukan 'Pemain Sayap Kanan Terbaik di Dunia' dan membawa Skotlandia ke putaran final Piala Dunia. Pada putaran 1973 – 1975, Morgan menjadi kapten Manchester United sebelum akhirnya pulang kembali ke Burnley untuk digantikan oleh Steve Coppell.

(1975-1983), Inggris, RM, 396, 70
Berakhirnya era Busby Babes pada tahun 70-an membuat prestasi Manchester United naik turun, begitu parahnya sehingga pada tahun 1975 Man Utd harus mulai berjuang dari divisi dua. Manajer Tommy Docherty memiliki solusinya, seorang pemain sayap kanan belia berusia 19 tahun yang pada saat itu masih kuliah di Liverpool University dan bermain untuk Tranmere Rovers. Docherty berebut dengan tim lain untuk mengontrak Steve Coppell yang memiliki teknik dan sikap menawan. Ketika tim lain mundur saat mereka menyadari fisik Coppell 'terlalu kecil', Docherty tidak ambil pusing. Sepuluh penampilan dan satu gol dari Coppell sedikit banyak membantu tim muda Docherty kembali ke divisi utama dalam waktu setahun.

Stephen James 'Steve' Coppell dilahirkan pada tanggal 9 Juli 1955 di Croxteth dan walaupun selalu terpesona oleh Liverpool, ia tidak memiliki masalah untuk bermain bagi tim rivalnya, Man Utd. Pada tahun 1976, setahun setelah naik ke divisi utama – Man Utd berhasil menembus final Piala FA sebelum akhirnya ditundukkan Southampton di final. Tahun berikutnya, Man Utd kembali ke final Piala FA untuk berhadapan dengan Liverpool yang sedang on fire dan mengejar gelar treble. Coppell dan kawan-kawan melupakan kenangan buruk tahun sebelumnya dan menundukkan Liverpool 2-1.

Delapan musim bermain di Old Trafford, Coppell bermain di bawah arahan tiga manajer: Docherty, Sexton dan Atkinson. Mereka selalu memberi tempat di tim utama bagi Coppell yang dari 395 penampilannya mencetak 70 gol. Hebatnya lagi, Coppell masih memegang rekor bermain sebagai starter untuk Setan Merah dalam 206 pertandingan berturut-turut di semua kompetisi.

Sayang karir pemain cemerlang ini terhenti di usia muda, pada pertandingan kualifikasi Piala Dunia antara Inggris dan Hungaria di Wembley, Coppell mengalami cidera serius dan walaupun telah melalui beberapa operasi penting, kesehatannya tidak pernah pulih. Coppell memutuskan untuk gantung sepatu pada bulan Oktober 1983 pada usia 28 tahun.

(1981-1994), Inggris, CM, 461, 99
Bryan Robson yang lahir pada tanggal 11 Januari 1957 di Chester-le-Street, County Durham adalah pemegang ban kapten Manchester United terlama sepanjang sejarah. Sebelum bermain untuk Setan Merah, Robson meniti karir di West Bromwich Albion. Selain menjadi kapten MU, Robson juga menjadi kapten tim nasional Inggris untuk 65 pertandingan dari keseluruhan 90 penampilan.

Pemain yang sering dijuluki 'Robbo' atau 'Captain Marvel' ini dikontrak oleh Man Utd pada Oktober 1981 dan menjadi pemain termahal di liga Inggris saat itu. Rekor ini tidak akan terpecahkan hingga tahun 1987 ketika Liverpool membeli Peter Beardsley. Sebulan setelah dikontrak, Robson mencetak gol pertamanya bagi MU yang kelak berakhir 13 musim kemudian dengan hampir 500 penampilan dan mencetak 99 gol.

Robson menjadi kapten United pertama yang berhasil mengangkat trofi Piala FA untuk tiga musim (walaupun tidak berturut-turut) dan mengalami masa keemasan ketika United berhasil menundukkan Barcelona 2-1 di final Piala Winners 1991. Ini seperti membalas kegagalan Robson yang walaupun menyumbangkan dua gol di Old Trafford untuk mengalahkan Barcelona 3-0 setelah sebelumnya tunduk 2-0 di Nou Camp pada perempatfinal Piala Winner pada tahun 1984 namun akhirnya menderita cidera yang membuatnya tidak tampil maksimal saat Man Utd ditundukkan Juventus di semifinal ajang yang sama.

Robson mengakhiri karir panjangnya di Man Utd untuk mengejar karir sebagai pemain-pelatih bagi Middlesbrough. Selanjutnya, Robson juga melatih Bradford City, West Bromwich Albion, Sheffield United dan tim nasional Thailand.

Pada saat hijrah dari WBA dan ditanyakan apa alasannya bergabung dengan Manchester United, Robson menjawab dengan yakin. "Motivasi utamaku bukanlah uang. Aku hanya ingin menjadi pemenang."

(1992-1997), Perancis, FW, 185, 82
Dialah sang raja. Eric 'The King' Cantona mengawali karirnya di Manchester United pada pertandingan persahabatan melawan Benfica di Lisbon untuk memperingati ulang tahun ke 50 pemain legendaris Portugal, Eusébio. Pertandingan ofisial pertamanya adalah ketika Cantona masuk menjadi pemain pengganti pada saat derby dengan Manchester City di Old Trafford pada tanggal 12 Desember 1992.

Sebelum mendapatkan Cantona, MU mengalami musim yang menyesakkan, musim sebelumnya mereka hanya bisa menahan nafas melihat Leeds United meraih gelar dengan Cantona sebagai aktor utama Leeds. Musim ini mereka berada di belakang Aston Villa dan Blackburn Rovers yang saling berkejaran untuk meraih gelar liga, begitu juga tantangan maut dari kuda hitam Norwich City dan QPR. Masalah utamanya? Setan Merah tidak mampu mencetak gol. Brian McClair dan Mark Hughes kehilangan sentuhan, Dion Dublin cedera panjang dan Alex Ferguson pusing tujuh keliling.

Masuklah Cantona.

Dia mencetak gol, mengirim assist dan memberikan nuansa juara bagi Man Utd. Tepat seminggu setelah debut melawan The Citizens, Cantona mencetak gol pertama pada pertandingan yang berakhir imbang 1-1 saat berhadapan dengan Chelsea, tepat seminggu kemudian pada Boxing Day, Cantona membantu MU bangkit dari kekalahan 3-0 di babak pertama untuk memaksa imbang Sheffield Wednesday 3-3 dan mencetak gol keduanya. Namun justru dua minggu kemudian, 9 Januari 1993 saat berhadapan dengan Tottenham Hotspurs-lah Cantona menunjukkan kelasnya dengan mencetak satu gol dan membantu terciptanya 3 gol lain untuk hasil akhir 4-1 bagi MU. Musim itu berakhir dengan gelar juara Premier League dengan jarak 10 point dari peringkat kedua, gelar ini adalah gelar juara liga pertama bagi MU di ranah Inggris sejak tahun 1967.

Cantona menjadi pemain pertama – dan sampai saat ini satu-satunya – pemain yang pernah bermain untuk dua klub berbeda yang memenangkan Premier League dua tahun berturut-turut. Musim berikutnya, setelah berhasil mempertahankan gelar juara liga, Cantona mencetak dua gol penalti untuk memenangkan Piala FA dengan total angka 4-0 atas Chelsea. Cantona terpilih sebagai PFA Player of the Year musim itu.

Di musim ketiga, Cantona dan Man Utd sepertinya masih melanjutkan tradisi juara dengan permainan yang konsisten dan hasil yang bagus. Sayang semuanya berakhir berantakan dan MU harus menyerahkan tahta ke Blackburn Rovers. Semuanya bermula pada kejadian yang berlangsung pada tanggal 25 January 1995, Cantona yang sedang melangkah ke kamar ganti terprovokasi oleh Matthew Simmons, seorang hooligans Crystal Palace. Cantona yang tidak terima dengan ejekan Simmons melakukan tendangan kungfu diikuti oleh pukulan beruntun. Kasus yang menjadi berita utama di media Inggris dan dunia ini membuat Cantona menerima denda dan hukuman tidak boleh bermain selama setahun dalam pertandingan bola manapun di tanah Inggris dan Wales. Dalam sebuah konferensi pers dan di tengah serangan pertanyaan wartawan, Cantona mengeluarkan pernyataannya yang paling terkenal dengan tenang, "Ketika camar mengikuti kapal pukat, itu karena mereka pikir sarden akan dilemparkan ke dalam laut. Terima kasih banyak." Usai pernyataan itu, Cantona bangkit dari kursi dan melenggang pergi dengan santai dari hadapan pers.

Cantona yang meledak-ledak sering mengundang kontroversi, pada musim pertamanya dengan MU, Cantona memukul seorang fan Leeds yang meledeknya dan harus membayar denda. Di musim kedua, usai diusir keluar lapangan pada Piala Champions saat berhadapan dengan Galatasaray, Cantona beradu mulut dengan seorang wasit dan harus absen dalam lima pertandingan karena mendapat kartu merah pada dua pertandingan berturut-turut.

Setelah masa hukumannya selesai, Cantona tampil impresif pada debut melawan Liverpool. Ia mengirim assist untuk Nicky Butt dan mencetak satu gol penalti. Medio Januari, gol Cantona ke gawang West Ham United mengawali 10 kemenangan beruntun di liga untuk mengejar defisit 10 poin dari Newcastle United. Gol tunggal Cantona kembali terjadi pada beberapa pertandingan berikutnya, sekaligus ketika Cantona menciptakan gol untuk menyamakan kedudukan dengan QPR pada tanggal 9 Maret yang pada akhirnya membawa Man Utd merebut tahta dari Newcastle United. Mereka tidak tergoyahkan hingga akhir musim dan memenangkan gelar ketiga liga dalam empat musim terakhir. Tidak cukup itu saja, Cantona mencetak satu-satunya gol yang memberikan gelar Piala FA bagi MU saat berhadapan dengan Liverpool dengan sebuah gol indah yang mungkin gol terbaik Cantona sepanjang masa. Cantona kembali dari masa-masa gelap dalam hidupnya untuk membawa Man Utd menjadi tim pertama yang dua kali memenangkan gelar ganda.

Kepergian Steve Bruce di musim berikutnya menahbiskan Cantona sebagai kapten United, sekaligus sang raja di Old Trafford. Dengan barisan pemain muda seperti Ryan Giggs, David Beckham, Paul Scholes, Nicky Butt dan Gary Neville dalam bimbingannya, Man Utd mempertahankan gelar di musim berikutnya. Sayangnya, secara mengagetkan Cantona memutuskan bahwa ini adalah musim terakhirnya bermain sepakbola profesional dan ia menggantungkan sepatu di usia 30 tahun.

Eric Cantona bersumpah kalau ada satu-satunya alasan dia kembali ke dunia sepakbola Inggris, itu hanyalah untuk dan hanya untuk menjadi orang nomor satu di Manchester United.

(1992-2003), Inggris, RM, 294, 85
Di masa surutnya 'pemerintahan' King Eric, karir seorang pemain muda berbakat justru dimulai. Namanya Beckham, David Beckham, mungkin selebritis bola terbesar sepanjang jaman. Dibesarkan sebagai bagian dari Fergie's Fledgling seperti halnya Ryan Giggs, duo Gary dan Phil Neville, Nicky Butt dan Paul Scholes serta pemain baru lain seperti Solksjaer dan Roy Keane, Beckham hanya tinggal menunggu waktu saja sebelum ia masuk ke tim utama. Di awal debutnya di Setan Merah, Beckham justru mengenakan nomor punggung keramat dunia sepakbola, nomer 10 yang ditinggalkan oleh Mark Hughes. Pada pertandingan perdana melawan Galatasaray pada tahun 1994, Beckham mencetak gol untuk membantu MU memenangkan pertandingan 4-0.

Musim berikutnya Becks – panggilan Beckham, dipinjamkan ke Preston North End untuk mencari pengalaman di luar Man Utd. Hal yang paling mengesankan? Becks mampu mencetak gol langsung dari sebuah tendangan penjuru. Musim berikutnya Becks kembali ke squad Setan Merah.

Nama pemuda tampan kelahiran 2 Mei 1975 di Leytonstone, London ini menjadi buah bibir ketika di tahun 1996, ia mencetak gol ajaib saat Man Utd berhadapan dengan Wimbledon. Kenapa gol itu begitu spesial? Karena Becks mencetak gol dari tengah lapangan, kemampuannya jelas bukan main-main. Pada saat itulah mata publik mulai memperhatikan pemuda yang sensasional ini. Pada musim itu, Becks dianugerahi PFA Young Player of the Year.

Begitu hebatnya kemampuan pemuda Beckham di mata Alex Ferguson, tahun berikutnya, Becks mendapatkan nomer punggung 'kehormatan' yaitu nomer 7 ketika pos itu ditinggalkan Eric Cantona. Sayang kepergian sang raja membuat United seperti anak ayam kehilangan induk dan Arsenal memanfaatkan kesempatan untuk meraih gelar juara.

Masa keemasan Becks datang di tahun 1999 ketika ia menjadi bagian dari sejarah dengan membawa Man Utd memenangkan tiga gelar juara, Piala FA, juara Liga Inggris dan juara Piala Champions. Ketiga gelar ini diraih dengan kemenangan fantastis yang harus direbut dengan perjuangan sepanjang musim. Musim berikutnya, Becks berhasil menjadi runner up European Footballer of the Year dan FIFA World Player of the Year di belakang Rivaldo. Hasil ini juga membantunya menjadi kapten tim nasional Inggris mulai dari tahun 2000 hingga 2006 sebelum ia mundur dari jabatan tersebut.

Hubungan renggang dengan pelatih legendaris Sir Alex Ferguson usai pernikahannya dengan Victoria Adams anggota Spice Girls membuat Becks angkat kaki dari Old Trafford dan memilih Santiago Bernabeu sebagai tujuan berikutnya. "Tidak pernah terjadi masalah sampai ia menikah. Dia biasa berlatih di akademi pada malam hari dengan tekun, dia anak muda yang fantastis. Memasuki pernikahan dengan sorotan dunia entertainment bukanlah hal yang mudah – sejak saat itu, hidupnya tidak pernah sama lagi. Begitu besarnya dia sebagai selebritis, sepakbola hanya menjadi bagian kecil kehidupannya." ungkap Sir Alex Ferguson ketika menyoroti pernikahan Beckham.

Pada kali lain, Sir Alex juga menyatakan kekagumannya, "Beckham berlatih dengan kedisplinan untuk mendapatkan akurasi yang tidak dipedulikan pemain lain."

(2003-2009), Portugal, RM, 292, 118
Pemuda kelahiran 5 Februari 1985 bernama lengkap Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro ini mungkin salah satu pemain terbaik di dunia saat ini, pemain sayap yang bisa didorong ke depan lengkap dengan akselerasi yang hebat, kaki yang lincah, tendangan dan sundulan yang akurat serta tajam.

Saat pertama kali bergabung dengan Manchester United Cristiano Ronaldo menginginkan nomor punggung 28, sama seperti yang ia gunakan di Sporting. "Ketika aku bergabung, manajer menanyakan nomor punggung mana yang aku inginkan. Aku bilang 28. Tapi Ferguson bilang tidak. 'Kamu akan mengenakan nomor punggung 7'. Nomor punggung itu adalah legenda dan menjadi penambah motivasi."

Ronaldo memulai debutnya bagi Setan Merah sebagai pemain pengganti dalam duel melawan Bolton Wanderers. Gol pertama Ronaldo dicetak melalui tendangan bebas ketika MU mengalahkan Portsmouth 3-0 pada tanggal 1 November 2003. Ronaldo-lah pencetak gol United ke-1000 dalam kompetisi Liga Inggris pada tanggal 29 Oktober 2005 walaupun pada saat itu MU menderita kekalahan 1-4 di tangan Middlesbrough. Di musim pertamanya, Ronaldo mencetak 10 gol di semua kompetisi dan gelar FIFPro Special Young Player of the Year pada tahun 2005 jatuh ke tangannya.

Musim berikutnya permainan Ronaldo yang mulai menyatu dengan teman satu tim membuahkan hasil, permainan MU berkembang pesat. Bulan November dan Desember 2006 Ronaldo mendapatkan penghargaan Barclays Player of the Month, pemain ketiga dalam sejarah Premier League yang meraih penghargaan ini berturut-turut setelah Robbie Fowler pada tahun 1996 dan Dennis Bergkamp di tahun 1997. Golnya ke gawang Manchester City pada tanggal 5 Mei 2007 menahbiskan gelar Premier League pertama setelah empat tahun Setan Merah tanpa gelar dan sekali lagi Ronaldo terpilih menjadi penerima penghargaan FIFPro Special Young Player of the Year. Penghargaan ini kemudian disusul dengan gelar PFA Players' Player of the Year dan PFA Young Player of the Year sekaligus PFA Fans' Player of the Year untuk melengkapi hattrick penghargaan yang diberikan padanya dalam satu musim.

Menyadari kemampuannya yang diatas rata-rata, Man Utd memutuskan untuk memperpanjang kontrak Ronaldo dan memberikan bayaran mingguan tertinggi sepanjang sejarah United untuknya. Di tahun yang sama Ronaldo menjadi runner up Ballon d'Or di belakang Kaká dan berada di tempat ketiga FIFA World Player of the Year di belakang Kaká dan Lionel Messi.

Di partai final Piala Champions di akhir musim 2007-2008 melawan rival satu liga, Chelsea, Ronaldo mencetak gol pembuka setelah menit ke-26 walaupun kemudian Chelsea mencetak gol balasan dan pertandingan harus diperpanjang ke adu penalti. Ronaldo gagal mencetak gol pada adu penalti dan MU seakan sudah kehilangan harapan untuk memenangkan gelar. Beruntung, keajaiban terjadi. John Terry terpeleset karena licinnya lapangan dan tembakannya melenceng. Setan Merah memenangkan Piala Champions dengan kemenangan 6-5 atas Chelsea. Musim hebat itu diakhiri Ronaldo dengan penghargaan UEFA Fans' Man of the Match melalui penampilannya di final Piala Champions. Sepanjang musim Ronaldo mencetak 42 gol di semua kompetisi, 4 gol lebih sedikit dibandingkan rekor 46 gol dalam semusim yang diciptakan Denis Law pada musim 1963-1964.

2 Desember 2008, Ronaldo menjadi pemain Man Utd pertama yang meraih Ballon d'Or sejak George Best di tahun 1968 dan mengungguli rival terhebatnya, Lionel Messi. Dia juga menjadi pemain Premier League pertama yang mendapatkan gelar FIFA World Player of the Year, juga pemain Portugal pertama sejak Luis Figo di tahun 2001.

Memperoleh segalanya di Manchester United membuat Ronaldo jenuh, konon dia ingin tantangan baru dan menyampaikan niatnya untuk hijrah ke Real Madrid, tim yang telah mengejarnya sejak dua tahun belakangan. Setelah musim sebelumnya berusaha keras menahan kepergian Ronaldo, Ferguson akhirnya mengijinkan anak emasnya itu pindah dan kucuran dana hebat Real Madrid menjadikan Cristiano Ronaldo sebagai pemain termahal dunia.

Michael James Owen lahir 14 Desember 1979 di Chester, Inggris. Mengikuti jejak ayahnya bermain bola, Owen mengawali karir di Liverpool pada tahun 1996 dan masuk ke tim utama sejak Mei 1997. Di musim pertamanya, Owen memuncaki tangga top skor, prestasi ini diulanginya di musim berikut. Masa keemasannya hadir pada tahun 2001 ketika Liverpool memenangkan Piala UEFA, Piala FA dan Piala Liga. Hasil ini menghadirkan penghargaan Ballon d'Or bagi Owen. Selama karirnya di Liverpool, Owen mencetak 118 gol dalam 216 penampilan.

Di tingkat nasional, Owen dipanggil masuk ke timnas di tahun 2008 untuk menjadi pemain Inggris termuda di Piala Dunia. Di sana, ia juga menjadi pencetak gol termuda. Penampilannya di Piala Dunia 1998 menjadi sorotan dan pujian pengamat, ia mencetak gol lagi bagi timnas Inggris di Euro 2000, Piala Dunia 2002 dan Euro 2004. Owen adalah satu-satunya pemain yang telah mencetak gol di empat turnamen besar bagi Inggris.

Tahun 2004 Owen pindah ke Real Madrid namun gagal menempati starting lineup, walaupun begitu Owen berhasil mencetak 13 gol. Musim berikutnya Owen pulang ke Liga Inggris untuk bergabung dengan Newcastle United, karirnya seakan membaik di awal musim, sayang cidera memaksanya absen hingga 18 bulan. Ketika kembali ke lapangan hijau, dia menjadi kapten The Magpies dan menjadi pencetak gol terbanyak bagi Newcastle sepanjang musim. Sayang prestasi The Magpies hancur lebur. Di akhir kontraknya, Newcastle terdegradasi ke divisi 1 dan Owen pun angkat kaki ke Theatre of Dreams dengan status bebas kontrak.

Kepergian sang mahabintang Cristiano Ronaldo membuat kostum bernomor punggung 7 tanpa nama. Sir Alex Ferguson memberikan kostum legendaris itu pada Owen. Ia mencetak gol perdana bagi MU pada pertandingan persahabatan melawan Malaysian XI sebagai pemain pengganti. Gol resmi pertamanya hadir ketika MU mengalahkan Wigan Athletic 5-0 dan hattrick pertamanya sejak 2005 hadir ketika MU mencukur Wolfsburg 3-1 di ajang Piala Champions.

Seberapa jauh legenda nomor punggung tujuh akan tersemat di kostum Owen?

Kisah Di Balik Legenda No.7 Di Manchester United ~ jelajahunik

Kisah Di Balik Legenda No.7 Di Manchester United ~ jelajahunik

"Oetzi" Manusia Es Terkutuk ~ jelajahunik

"Oetzi" Manusia Es Terkutuk ~ jelajahunik

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

32 Selebriti Wanita Yang Berwajah Mirip |Kumpulan Artikel Dan Berita Terbaru Yang Unik, Aneh,Alkisah,Dewasa,Humor,Cerita Lucu,Seks,Life Style,Misteri,Binatang,Tumbuhan,Gokil,Renungan,Lowongan Kerja,Mp3 detikmaya

32 Selebriti Wanita Yang Berwajah Mirip |Kumpulan Artikel Dan Berita Terbaru Yang Unik, Aneh,Alkisah,Dewasa,Humor,Cerita Lucu,Seks,Life Style,Misteri,Binatang,Tumbuhan,Gokil,Renungan,Lowongan Kerja,Mp3 detikmaya

Mengungkap Asal Mula Kata Kut4ng |Kumpulan Artikel Dan Berita Terbaru Yang Unik, Aneh,Alkisah,Dewasa,Humor,Cerita Lucu,Seks,Life Style,Misteri,Binatang,Tumbuhan,Gokil,Renungan,Lowongan Kerja,Mp3 detikmaya

Mengungkap Asal Mula Kata Kut4ng |Kumpulan Artikel Dan Berita Terbaru Yang Unik, Aneh,Alkisah,Dewasa,Humor,Cerita Lucu,Seks,Life Style,Misteri,Binatang,Tumbuhan,Gokil,Renungan,Lowongan Kerja,Mp3 detikmaya

Ketika Cinta Harus Pergi |Kumpulan Artikel Dan Berita Terbaru Yang Unik, Aneh,Alkisah,Dewasa,Humor,Cerita Lucu,Seks,Life Style,Misteri,Binatang,Tumbuhan,Gokil,Renungan,Lowongan Kerja,Mp3 detikmaya

Ketika Cinta Harus Pergi |Kumpulan Artikel Dan Berita Terbaru Yang Unik, Aneh,Alkisah,Dewasa,Humor,Cerita Lucu,Seks,Life Style,Misteri,Binatang,Tumbuhan,Gokil,Renungan,Lowongan Kerja,Mp3 detikmaya

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

The lesson that is given free of charge from the time

What do you think about time?

if you can go back to the past ..?
maybe you can fix the error as truth ...

but if you go back there ..
then you will make more mistakes and wasting time ..
because the time never to return to the past ..
it is a mistake ...

I think ..
improve the learning of your life story is considered a failure ...
doing something worthwhile for yourself, others jg ..
I think that's what at that time taught by ..
Heu heuuu

long story if you want to be like before .. because it is not possible ..
The best teacher is the time .. everything that happens in every time ..
happy, sad, love, lara, tragedy, disaster,,,
all occur at any time ..

I think so ...
you are grateful for whatever is currently going through ..
for the better ..
and,, Heu heuu ..

It's time to go kill ..

Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

system thermostat

Primary Examiner:
Tanner, Harry B.
Attorney, Agent or Firm:
Schoonover, Donald R.
What is claimed and desired to be covered by Letters Patent is as follows:

1. A thermostat remote control system comprising: a) a thermostat unit associated with a building climate control system, said thermostat unit including (1) a temperature sensor that senses temperature of the building and generates temperature signals associated with the temperature sensed by the temperature sensor, and (2) a building temperature control circuit that is electrically connected to the temperature sensor to receive temperature signals from the temperature sensor and is connected to the building climate control system to control building temperature in accordance with temperature signals received from the temperature sensor in response to temperature signals received from the temperature sensor; b) a hard-wired unit which includes (1) a housing, (2) a wall-mounting element on the housing adapted to mount the housing on a wall, (3) a power source in the housing, (4) a first lead line which is electrically connected to the temperature sensor of said thermostat unit and a second lead line which is electrically connected to the building temperature control circuit of said thermostat unit, (5) a thermostat-monitoring circuit that is electrically connected to the first lead line to be electrically connected to the temperature sensor of said thermostat unit to receive temperature signals from the temperature sensor the thermostat-monitoring circuit, the thermostat-monitoring circuit including a temperature signal-generating circuit which generates temperature-monitoring signals associated with the temperature signals received by the monitoring circuit from the thermostat temperature sensor in response to the temperature signals received from the thermostat temperature sensor, (6) a transmitter circuit electrically connected to the thermostat-monitoring circuit to receive temperature-monitoring signals from the thermostat-monitoring circuit and generate wireless temperature-monitoring signals that are associated with the temperature-monitoring signals received by the transmitter circuit from the thermostat-monitoring circuit in response to the temperature-monitoring signals received from the thermostat-monitoring circuit, (7) a thermostat control circuit which is electrically connected to the second lead line and which also is electrically connected via the second lead line to the building temperature control circuit of said thermostat unit to control the building temperature via the building temperature control circuit of said thermostat, and (8) a receiver circuit which receives wireless signals and which is electrically connected to the thermostat control circuit and which generates control signals associated with the wireless signals received by the receiver circuit in response to the wireless signals received by the receiver circuit, the control signals being sent to the thermostat control circuit of said hard-wired unit and via the thermostat control circuit of said hard-wired unit to the building temperature control circuit of said thermostat unit and via the building temperature control circuit of said thermostat unit to said building climate control system, the thermostat building temperature control circuit being controlled in accordance with the wireless signals received by the receiver circuit of said hard-wired unit; and c) a remote control unit which includes (1) a housing, (2) a power source, (3) a display unit on the housing of said remote control unit, (4) an on/off switch electrically connected to the power source of said remote control unit, (5) a braille label associated with the on/off switch of said remote control unit, (6) a temperature-increasing switch on the housing of said remote control unit, (7) a temperature-increasing signal-generating circuit which is electrically connected to the temperature-increasing switch and to the power source of said remote control unit and which generates temperature-increasing signals when the temperature-increasing switch is activated and the on/off switch is in an “on” condition, (8) a wireless signal-transmitting circuit which is electrically connected to the temperature-increasing signal-generating circuit to receive temperature-increasing signals from the temperature-increasing signal-generating circuit and generate wireless temperature increase signals associated with the temperature-increasing signals received by the wireless signal-transmitting circuit in response to temperature-increasing signals received from the temperature-increasing signal-generating circuit, the wireless temperature increase signals being received by the receiver circuit of said hard-wired unit, the receiver circuit of said hard-wired unit generating a temperature increase control signal in response to the wireless temperature increase signal received from the transmitter circuit of said remote unit, (9) a braille label associated with the temperature-increasing switch on the housing of said remote control unit, (10) a sound-generating circuit which is electrically connected to the power source on said remote control unit and which is electrically connected to the temperature-increasing switch via the on/off switch to emit a sound-generating signal when the temperature-increasing switch is activated and the on/off switch is “on”, (11) a temperature-decreasing switch on the housing of said remote control unit, (12) a temperature-decreasing signal-generating circuit which is electrically connected to the temperature-decreasing switch and to the power source of said remote control unit and which generates temperature-decreasing signals when the temperature-decreasing switch is activated and the on/off switch is in an “on” condition, (13) the temperature-decreasing signal-generating circuit which is electrically connected to the wireless signal-transmitting circuit so the wireless signal-transmitting circuit receives temperature-decreasing signals from the temperature-decreasing signal-generating circuit and generates wireless temperature decrease signals associated with the temperature-decreasing signals received from the temperature-decreasing signal-generating circuit in response to temperature-decreasing signals received from the temperature-decreasing signal-generating circuit, the wireless temperature decrease signals being received by the receiver circuit of said hard-wired unit, the receiver circuit of said hard-wired unit generating a temperature decrease control signal in response to the wireless temperature decrease signal received from the wireless transmitting circuit of said remote unit, (14) a braille label associated with the temperature-decreasing switch on the housing of said remote control unit, (15) a sound-generating circuit which is electrically connected to the power source on said remote control unit via the on/off switch and which is electrically connected to the temperature-decreasing switch via the on/off switch to emit a sound-generating signal when the temperature-decreasing switch is activated and the on/off switch is “on”, (16) an audio control element on said remote control unit, the audio control element being electrically connected to the sound-generating circuit connected to the temperature-increasing switch and to the sound-generating circuit connected to the temperature-decreasing switch to control the level of the sound-generating signals emitted by the sound-generating circuit connected to the temperature-increasing switch and by the sound-generating circuit connected to the temperature-decreasing switch, (17) a braille label located on said remote control unit adjacent to said audio control element, (18) a sound-generating speaker on said remote control unit, the sound-generating speaker being electrically connected via the audio control element to the sound-generating circuit connected to the temperature-increasing switch and to the sound-generating circuit connected to the temperature-decreasing switch via the audio control element, the sound-generating speaker generating a first audible signal when the temperature-increasing switch is activated and a second audible signal when the temperature-decreasing switch is activated, with the first audible signal being different from the second audible signal, (19) a receiver circuit which receives wireless signals from the transmitter circuit of said hard-wired unit, the wireless signals received by the receiver circuit of said remote control unit corresponding to temperature readings of the temperature sensor of said thermostat unit and are generated by the transmitter circuit of said hard-wired unit in response to signals received by the transmitter circuit of said hard-wired unit from the temperature sensor of said thermostat via the thermostat-monitoring circuit of said hard-wired unit, (20) a temperature display circuit electrically connecting the display unit of said remote control unit to the receiver circuit of said remote control unit to display visual signals on the display unit which correspond to the wireless temperature-monitoring signals received by the receiver unit of said remote control unit from the transmitter circuit of said hard-wired unit in response to the wireless temperature-monitoring signals received by the receiver unit of said remote control unit from the transmitter circuit of said hard-wired unit, (21) an audio circuit electrically connected to the temperature display circuit of said remote control unit, the audio circuit including a sound generator which generates audible signals which correspond to the wireless temperature-monitoring signals received by the receiver unit of said remote control unit from the transmitter circuit of said hard-wired unit in response to the wireless temperature-monitoring signals received by the receiver unit of said remote control unit from the transmitter circuit of said hard-wired unit, the sound generator of the audio circuit on said remote control unit generating a first audio signal associated with tens digits in a temperature sensed by the temperature sensor of said thermostat and a second audio signal associated with units digits in the temperature sensed by the temperature sensor of said thermostat unit, the first and second audio signals of the audio circuit being different from each other and from the first audible signal associated with the temperature-increasing switch and from the second audible signal associated with the temperature-decreasing switch, and (22) a supporting element on said remote control unit.

2. The thermostat remote control system as described in claim 1 wherein said remote control unit further includes a lighting element associated with the on/off switch and the temperature-increasing switch and the temperature-decreasing switch.

3. The thermostat remote control system as described in claim 2 wherein said remote control unit further includes a lighting element associated with the display unit.

4. The thermostat remote control system as described in claim 3 wherein said remote control unit further includes a lighting element associated with the audio control element on said remote control unit.

5. A thermostat remote control system comprising: a) a thermostat unit associated with a building climate control system, said thermostat unit including a thermostat control circuit and a temperature sensor circuit, the thermostat control circuit connected to a building climate control system to control temperature of a building via the building climate control system and a temperature sensor; b) a hard-wired unit electrically connected to said thermostat unit, said hard-wired unit including (1) a thermostat temperature control circuit electrically connected to the thermostat control circuit of said thermostat unit, (2) a transmitter circuit connected to the temperature sensor circuit of said thermostat unit and including a temperature signal generator which generates wireless temperature-monitoring signals, and (3) a receiver circuit which is electrically connected to the thermostat temperature control circuit of said hard-wired unit and which receives wireless temperature control signals, the receiver circuit generating a thermostat temperature control signal that corresponds to a received wireless temperature control signal in response to the received wireless temperature control signal, the thermostat temperature control signal being sent to the temperature control circuit of said hard-wired unit; and c) a remote control unit which includes (1) a receiver circuit which receives wireless temperature-monitoring signals generated by the transmitter circuit of said hard-wired unit, (2) a display unit electrically connected to the receiver circuit of said remote control unit, the display unit having a display that is controlled by the receiver circuit of said remote control unit and which displays a temperature corresponding to the temperature sensed by the temperature sensor circuit of said thermostat unit; (3) a transmitter circuit which includes a generator which generates wireless temperature control signals, (4) a temperature-increasing switch which is electrically connected to the transmitter circuit of said remote control unit to activate the transmitter circuit to generate a wireless temperature-increasing control signal when the temperature-increasing switch is activated, (5) a braille label associated with the temperature-increasing switch, (6) a sound-generating circuit electrically connected to the temperature-increasing switch, the sound-generating circuit generating a first audible signal when the temperature-increasing switch is activated, (7) a temperature-decreasing switch which is electrically connected to the transmitter circuit of said remote control unit to activate the transmitter circuit to generate a wireless temperature-decreasing control signal when the temperature-decreasing switch is activated, (8) a braille label associated with the temperature-decreasing switch, (9) a sound-generating circuit electrically connected to the temperature-decreasing switch, the sound-generating circuit generating a second audible signal when the temperature-decreasing switch is activated, the second audible signal generated by the sound-generating circuit connected to the temperature-decreasing switch being different from the first audible signal generated by the sound-generating circuit connected to the temperature-increasing switch, (10) an audio control element on said remote control element and electrically connected to the sound-generating circuit to control the level of sound generated by the sound-generating circuit, (11) a braille label on said remote control unit adjacent to the audio control element, (12) a temperature display sound-generating circuit on said remote control unit electrically connected to the temperature sensor circuit of said thermostat and which generates an audible signal associated with temperature sensed by the temperature sensor circuit of said thermostat, the audible signal associated with the temperature display sound-generating circuit being different from the first audible signal associated with the temperature-increasing switch and different from the second audible signal associated with the temperature-decreasing switch.



1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to the general art of automatic temperature and humidity regulation, and to the particular field of automatic temperature and humidity regulation which is remotely adjusted.
2. Discussion of the Related Art
Many people desire to adjust the temperature in their home to one level during the day and another level at night. Sometimes, people desire to adjust the temperature several times during the day. While this is a minor inconvenience for many people, it can be an onerous task for a disabled person. It may even be impossible for a bedridden person.
While the art contains several examples of remotely controlled thermostats, such presently existing systems are not amenable for use by the disabled.
Therefore, there is a need for a remotely controlled thermostat system that is amenable for use by a disabled person.
Nearly every thermostat, or thermostat system, displays temperature. This temperature display is used to identify present ambient temperature and as a guide to setting desired ambient temperature. While this is convenient for most people, a sight-impaired individual, or a person attempting to use and set the system at night or in the dark may find such displays nearly useless.
Therefore, there is a need for a remotely controlled thermostat system that is amenable for use by a sight-impaired person.
To be most commercially acceptable, any system should be amenable to retrofitting existing systems. This will enable someone to modify their existing system with only minor adjustments thereby making a modification of the existing system cost- and time-effective.
Therefore, there is a need for a remotely controlled thermostat system that is amenable for use by a sight-impaired person and which can be easily and quickly retro-fit to an existing system.


It is a main object of the present invention to provide a remotely controlled thermostat system that is amenable for use by a disabled person.
It is another object of the present invention to provide a remotely controlled thermostat system that is amenable for use by a sight-impaired person.
It is another object of the present invention to provide a remotely controlled thermostat system that is amenable for use by a sight-impaired person and which can be easily and quickly retro-fit to an existing system.
It is another object of the present invention to provide a remotely controlled thermostat system that is amenable for use in the dark.


These, and other, objects are achieved by a thermostat remote control system which comprises a thermostat unit associated with a building climate control system, the thermostat unit including a thermostat control circuit and a temperature sensor circuit, the thermostat control circuit connected to a building climate control system to control temperature of a building via the building climate control system and a temperature sensor; a hard-wired unit electrically connected to the thermostat unit, the hard-wired unit including a thermostat temperature control circuit electrically connected to the thermostat control circuit of the thermostat unit, a transmitter circuit connected to the temperature sensor circuit of the thermostat unit and including a temperature signal generator which generates wireless temperature monitoring signals, and a receiver circuit which is electrically connected to the thermostat temperature control circuit of the hard-wired unit and which receives wireless temperature control signals, the receiver circuit generating a temperature control signal that corresponds to a received wireless temperature control signal in response to the received wireless temperature control signal, the temperature control signal being sent to the thermostat temperature control circuit of the hard-wired unit; and a remote control unit which includes a receiver circuit which receives wireless temperature monitoring signals generated by the transmitter circuit of the hard-wired unit, a display unit electrically connected to the receiver circuit of the remote control unit, the display unit having a display that is controlled by the receiver circuit of the remote control unit and which displays a temperature corresponding to the temperature sensed by the temperature sensor circuit of the thermostat unit; a transmitter circuit which includes a generator which generates wireless temperature control signals, a temperature-increasing switch which is electrically connected to the transmitter circuit of the remote control unit to activate the transmitter circuit to generate a wireless temperature-increasing control signal when the temperature-increasing switch is activated, a braille label associated with the temperature-increasing switch, a sound-generating circuit electrically connected to the temperature-increasing switch, the sound-generating circuit generating a first audible signal when the temperature-increasing switch is activated, a temperature-decreasing switch which is electrically connected to the transmitter circuit of the remote control unit to activate the transmitter circuit to generate an wireless temperature-decreasing control signal when the temperature-decreasing switch is activated, a braille label associated with the temperature-decreasing switch, a sound-generating circuit electrically connected to the temperature-decreasing switch, the sound-generating circuit generating a second audible signal when the temperature-decreasing switch is activated, the second audible signal generated by the sound-generating circuit connected to the temperature-decreasing switch being different from the first audible signal generated by the sound-generating circuit connected to the temperature-increasing switch, and a temperature display sound-generating circuit on the remote control unit electrically connected to the temperature sensor circuit of the thermostat and which generates an audible signal associated with temperature sensed by the temperature sensor circuit of the thermostat, the audible signal associated with the temperature display sound-generating circuit being different from the first audible signal associated with the temperature-increasing switch and different from the second audible signal associated with the temperature-decreasing switch.
The device embodying the present invention is amendable to use by a sight-impaired individual because he or she can easily find the switches that need to be operated by finding the braille labels, and then can operate the switches and listen for the sounds to determine first what the present temperature is and then how much the temperature is increased or decreased. This can be used in the dark as well. The device is easily and quickly retro-fit to any existing thermostat by hard wiring so an existing system is quickly and easily modified as required.


FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a remote control unit included in the thermostat remote control system embodying the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a front elevational view of a hard-wired unit included in the thermostat remote control system embodying the present invention.
FIG. 3 is a side elevational view of the hard-wired unit shown in FIG. 2.
FIG. 4 is a schematic representation of the thermostat remote control system embodying the present invention.


Other objects, features and advantages of the invention will become apparent from a consideration of the following detailed description and the accompanying drawings.
Referring to the Figures, it can be understood that the present invention is embodied in a thermostat remote control system 10. System 10 can be used by a sight-impaired and/or bedridden person to adjust the ambient temperature in a room. System 10 comprises a thermostat unit 12 associated with a building climate control system 14 such as a heating and/or air conditioning system. The thermostat unit 12 includes a temperature sensor 16 that senses temperature of the building and generates temperature signals 18 associated with the temperature sensed by the temperature sensor 16. A building temperature control circuit 20 is electrically connected to the temperature sensor 16 to receive temperature signals 18 from the temperature sensor 16 and is connected to the building climate control system 14 by a lead line 22 to control building temperature in accordance with temperature signals 18 received from the temperature sensor 16 in response to temperature signals 18 received from the temperature sensor 16.
A hard-wired unit 30 includes a housing 32. A wall-mounting element 33 on the housing 32 is adapted to mount the housing 32 on a wall. Preferably, housing 32 is mounted on a wall adjacent to the thermostat unit 12. Hard-wired unit 30 also includes a power source 34 in the housing 32. Power source 34 can be a battery or the unit 30 can be wired to building power.
A first lead line 36 is electrically connected to the temperature sensor 16 of the thermostat unit 12 and a second lead line 38 is electrically connected to the building temperature control circuit 20 of thermostat unit 12. Unit 30 is thus hard-wired to the thermostat unit 12.
Unit 30 further includes a thermostat-monitoring circuit 40 that is electrically connected to first lead line 36 to be electrically connected to the temperature sensor 16 of the thermostat unit 12 to receive temperature signals 18 from the temperature sensor 16 of the thermostat-monitoring circuit 40. The thermostat-monitoring circuit 40 includes a temperature signal-generating circuit 42 which generates temperature-monitoring signals associated with the temperature signals 16 received by the monitoring circuit 40 from the thermostat temperature sensor 16 in response to the temperature signals 18 received from the thermostat temperature sensor 16.
A transmitter circuit 44 is electrically connected to the thermostat-monitoring circuit 40 to receive temperature-monitoring signals from the thermostat-monitoring circuit 40 and generate wireless temperature-monitoring signals, indicated in FIG. 4 as wireless signal 46, that are associated with the temperature-monitoring signals received by the transmitter circuit 44 from the thermostat-monitoring circuit 40 in response to the temperature-monitoring signals received from the thermostat-monitoring circuit 40.
A thermostat control circuit 50 is electrically connected to second lead line 38 and is also electrically connected via the second lead line to building temperature control circuit 20 of the thermostat unit 12 to control the building temperature via building temperature control circuit 20 of the thermostat unit 12. A receiver circuit 52 receives wireless signals, indicated in FIG. 4 as wireless signal 56, and is electrically connected to thermostat control circuit 50 and generates control signals associated with the wireless signals received by the receiver circuit 52 in response to the wireless signals received by the receiver circuit 52. The control signals are sent to the thermostat control circuit 50 of the hard-wired unit 30 and via the thermostat control circuit 50 of the hard-wired unit 30 to building temperature control circuit 20 of the thermostat unit 12 and via the building temperature control circuit 20 of the thermostat unit 12 to the building climate control system 14. The thermostat building temperature control circuit 20 is controlled in accordance with the wireless signals received by the receiver circuit 52 of the hard-wired unit 30.
A remote control unit 60 includes a housing 62 that can be shaped to comfortably fit into a user's hand, a power source 64, and a door 66 associated with the power source 64. Door 66 can include a logo or the like if desired or can include a braille label 68 to indicate that the power source 64 is located behind the door 66.
A display unit 70 is located on the housing 62 of the remote control unit 60 and can be an LED unit or the like. Display unit 70 can be backlit to assist someone in the dark, and can include a light 72 if suitable.
An on/off switch 74 is electrically connected to the power source 64 of the remote control unit 60 and has an “on” condition and an “off” condition. The switch 74 can be moved between the two conditions by pressing the switch 74. A braille label 78 is associated with the on/off switch 74 of the remote control unit 60 so a sight-impaired user can identify which switch is the on/off switch 74.
A temperature-increasing switch 80 is located on the housing 62 of the remote control unit 60, and a temperature-increasing signal-generating circuit 82 is electrically connected to the temperature-increasing switch 80 and to the power source 64 of the remote control unit 60. Circuit 82 generates temperature-increasing signals when the temperature-increasing switch 80 is activated, such as by pressing, and the on/off switch 74 is in an “on” condition.
A wireless signal-transmitting circuit 90 is electrically connected to the temperature-increasing signal-generating circuit 82 to receive temperature-increasing signals, such as signal 92 indicated in FIG. 4, from the temperature-increasing signal-generating circuit 82 and generates wireless temperature increase signals, such as wireless signal 56 indicated in FIG. 4, associated with the temperature-increasing signals received by the wireless signal-transmitting circuit 90 in response to temperature-increasing signals 92 received from the temperature-increasing signal-generating circuit 82. The wireless temperature increase signals are received by receiver circuit 52 of the hard-wired unit 30. The receiver circuit 52 of the hard-wired unit 30 generates a temperature increase control signal, indicated as signal 94 in FIG. 4, in response to the wireless temperature increase signal received from the transmitter circuit 90 of the remote unit 60.
A braille label 100 is associated with the temperature-increasing switch 80 on the housing 62 of the remote control unit 60.
A sound-generating circuit 102 is electrically connected to the power source 64 of the remote control unit 60 and is electrically connected to the temperature-increasing switch 80 via the on/off switch 74 to emit a sound-generating signal when the temperature-increasing switch 80 is activated and the on/off switch 74 is “on”.
A temperature-decreasing switch 110 is located on the housing of the remote control unit 60. A temperature-decreasing signal-generating circuit 112 is electrically connected to the temperature-decreasing switch 110 and to the power source 64 of the remote control unit 60 and generates temperature-decreasing signals, indicated in FIG. 4 as signals 114, when the temperature-decreasing switch 110 is activated and the on/off switch 74 is in an “on” condition.
The temperature-decreasing signal-generating circuit 112 is electrically connected to the wireless signal-transmitting circuit 90 so the wireless signal-transmitting circuit 90 receives temperature-decreasing signals 114 from the temperature-decreasing signal-generating circuit 112 and generates wireless temperature decrease signals, such as signal 56, associated with the temperature-decreasing signals 114 received from the temperature-decreasing signal-generating circuit 112 in response to temperature-decreasing signals 114 received from the temperature-decreasing signal-generating circuit 112. The wireless temperature decrease signals are received by receiver circuit 52 of the hard-wired unit 30. Receiver circuit 52 of the hard-wired unit 30 generates a temperature decrease control signal in response to the wireless temperature decrease signal received from the wireless transmitting circuit 90 of the remote unit 60.
A braille label 116 is associated with the temperature-decreasing switch 110 on the housing 62 of the remote control unit 60. A sound-generating circuit 118 is electrically connected to the power source 64 on the remote control unit 60 via the on/off switch 74 and is electrically connected to the temperature-decreasing switch 110 via the on/off switch 74 to emit a sound-generating signal when the temperature-decreasing switch 110 is activated and the on/off switch 74 is “on”.
An audio control element 120 is on the remote control unit 60, and is electrically connected to the sound-generating circuit 102 connected to the temperature-increasing switch 80 and to the sound-generating circuit 118 connected to the temperature-decreasing switch 110 to control the level of the sound-generating signals emitted by the sound-generating circuit 102 connected to the temperature-increasing switch 80 and by the sound-generating circuit 118 connected to the temperature-decreasing switch 110. A braille label 122 is located on the remote control unit 60 adjacent to the audio control element 120.
A sound-generating speaker 124 is on the remote control unit 60. Sound-generating speaker 124 is electrically connected via the audio control element 120 to the sound-generating circuit 102 connected to the temperature-increasing switch 80 and to the sound-generating circuit 118 connected to the temperature-decreasing switch 110 via the audio control element 120. The sound-generating speaker 124 generates a first audible signal 126 when the temperature-increasing switch 80 is activated and a second audible signal 128 when the temperature-decreasing switch 110 is activated. First audible signal 126 is different from second audible signal 128 so a sight-impaired user can distinguish whether the temperature is being increased or decreased.
The remote control unit 60 further includes a receiver circuit 130 which receives wireless signals, such as wireless signal 46, from transmitter circuit 44 of the hard-wired unit 30. The wireless signals 46 received by the receiver circuit 130 of the remote control unit 60 correspond to temperature readings of the temperature sensor 16 of the thermostat unit 12 and are generated by the transmitter circuit 44 of the hard-wired unit 30 in response to signals received by the transmitter circuit 44 of the hard-wired unit 30 from the temperature sensor 16 of the thermostat unit 12 via the thermostat-monitoring circuit 40 of the hard-wired unit 30.
A temperature display circuit 132 electrically connects display unit 70 of the remote control unit 60 to receiver circuit 130 of the remote control unit 60 to display visual signals on the display unit 70 which correspond to the wireless temperature-monitoring signals received by the receiver circuit 130 of the remote control unit 60 from the transmitter circuit 44 of the hard-wired unit 30 in response to the wireless temperature-monitoring signals received by the receiver circuit 130 of the remote control unit 60 from the transmitter circuit 44 of the hard-wired unit 30.
An audio circuit 140 is electrically connected to temperature display circuit 132 of the remote control unit 60 via display unit 70. Audio circuit 140 includes a sound generator 142 which generates audible signals which correspond to the wireless temperature-monitoring signals 46 received by the receiver circuit 130 of the remote control unit 60 from the transmitter circuit 44 of the hard-wired unit 30 in response to the wireless temperature-monitoring signals 46 received by the receiver circuit 130 of the remote control unit 60 from the transmitter circuit 44 of the hard-wired unit 30. For example, a first set of audio signals can be generated for the tens digits in the thermostat temperature sensor 16 and a second set of audio signals can be generated for the units digits in the thermostat temperature sensor 16. The audio signals associated with the readings in the thermostat temperature sensor 16 can be different from the audio signals associated with increasing or decreasing the temperature using the switches 80 and 110.
A supporting element 150 is positioned on the remote control unit 60. The supporting element 150 can include a rubber base so the remote control unit 60 is stable when it is left standing. The housing 62 can also be shaped to comfortably fit into a user's hand.
The thermostat remote control system 10 of the present invention can also include a lighting element 152 associated with audio control element 120 on the remote control unit 60. The lighting element 152 can be used by those who have some sight or those who use the remote control unit 60 in the dark.
It is understood that while certain forms of the present invention have been illustrated and described herein, it is not to be limited to the specific forms or arrangements of parts described and shown.

water chiller system

Water Chillers

  • Air Cooled Water Chillers
  • Air Cooled Water Chillers-Heat Pump type
  • Water-Cooled Water Chillers
  • R-407C
  • R-134a
  • R-22

Daikin's "Intelligent Control Solution" for a Total Air-Conditioning System

Heat resource control system using I-Manager ll
  • The central air-conditioning system can be controlled together with the VRV.
  • The operating interface is based on an easy-to-use windows interface.
  • 1,024 groups of indoor units or water-cooled chillers can be connected.
  • Proportional power distribution calculates the power rate and other AC-related user costs.
  • Connectable to the Airnet Service System.
  • Ordinary 2-core cable is used for wiring, making field work very simple.
System Structure(VRV+central conditioning)

ac diagram dan sistem kerjanya

AC dan cara kerjanya...

AC/pendingin ruangan adalah singkatan dari air conditioning yang secara teknik artinya pengatur otomatis dari suhu, kelembapan dan arus udara di dalam bangun manapun; selain mengatur suhu, kelembapan dan arus udara, AC juga bisa mengatur bakteri, debu, dan juga gas-gas.
AC terdiri dari 3 bagian utama yaitu:
-Sebuah kompresor yang rapat.
-Sebuah kondensator.
-Sebuah evaporator dengan pipa kapiler yang mengontrol pendinginan.
Secara sederhana, prinsip kerja AC sama seperti prinsip kerja lotion/cologne. Ketika lotion/cologne tersebut dioleskan ke permukaan tubuh, cairan ini akan menguap dengan menyerap kalor; kalor yang diserap adalah kalor dari dalam tubuh. Sehingga pada saat menguap, lotion akan meninggalkan suhu , keadaan dingin di tempat lotion tersebut dioleskan.

Sistem Kerja AC
Sistem kerja AC secara umum dibagi dalam 2 macam; sistem yang pertama adalah AC sebagai pendingin ruang saja. Sedangkan sistem yang kedua adalah AC sebagai pendingin sekaligus pemanas ruangan.

1. AC bekerja sebagai pendingin ruangan.

Gambar1 – Skema kerja AC sebagai pendingin ruangan

Pertama kali bekerja, uap freon (warna kuning) yang berasal dari evaporator ditekan oleh kompresor menuju kondensator (warna biru). Pada kondensator karena bertekanan tinggi dan dilakukan pendinginan sehingga suhunya turun; pendinginan dilakukan dengan mengalirkan udara luar ke dalam kondensator dan mengeluarkannya kembali secara terus menerus dengan bantuan kondensator-fan uap freon(fluida dalam sistem perpipaan yang tertutup di dalam AC) mengalami kondensasi sehingga berubah menjadi cairan freon (warna merah). Untuk meningkatkan tekanan, sistem perpipaan mengecil dengan melewati pipa kapiler setelah terjadi kondensasi. Fluida bertekanan tinggi tersebut selanjutnya mengalami expansi secara mendadak dalam ruang evaporasi sehingga cairan freon berubah seketika menjadi uap. Dalam proses perubahan menjadi fase uapp ini, dibutuhkan energi Q sebesar m x lv (Q = m. l.v). Energi ini diperoleh dari lingkungan di sekitar evaporator, sehingga evaporator menjadi dingin.
Ruang evaporator yang dingin tersebut dimanfaatkan oleh manusia untuk mendingin kan ruangan. Prosesnya adalah: mengalirkan udara ruangan ke dalam evaporator dan mengeluarkannya kembali ke ruangan secara terus-menerus(siklus) dengan bantuan evaporator-fan sehingga ruangan menjadi dingin. Uap freon yang terbentuk tersebut (warna kuning) selanjutnya dialirkan ke kompresor untuk mengulangi langkah awal secara terus-menerus.

2. AC bekerja sebagai pendingin dan penghangat ruangan.

Gambar2 – Skema kerja AC sebagai pendingin dan penghangat ruangan

Prosesnya pendinginan ruangnnya sama dengan AC sebagai pendingin ruangan; untuk sistem penghangat ruangan, AC ini dilengkapi dengan alat heater elektrik pada ruang evaporator. Pada waktu menghangatkan ruangan, sistem pendingin ruangan dimatikan tetapi menghidupkan sistem penghangat ruangan. Sistem ini bekerja dengan cara heater elektrik yang ada pada ruang evaporator akan dilewati dengan udara dingin yang berasal dari ruangan dengan bantuan evaporator-fan sehingga udara menyerap panas yang dikeluarkan oleh heater, selanjutnya udara dikirim ke luar ruangan secara terus-menerus sehingga ruangan akan menjadi hangat.

Untuk mengontrol suhu ruangan, bisanya di dalam AC disediakan seperangkat alat yang terdiri dari termometer, yang disetel sesuai dengan suhu maximal dan minimal yang kita inginkan.

Secara sederhana cara kerja AC dapat digambarkan dalam blok diagram dan Ph Chart sebagai berikut;

Dalam Ph (Preasure enthalphy) Chart dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut:
AB = Proses Compresi
BC = Proses pengembunan dari gas ke cair. (terjadi di kondensor)
CD = Proses penurunan tekanan yaitu di expansion valve
DA = Proses pengambilan panas dari udara di sekitarnya oleh freon yang berupa gas(terjadi di evaporator)

Sewaktu compressor bekerja (proses AB), gas dimampatkan (temperatur dan tekanan naik) ke condensor.
Di sini udara yang ditiupkan ke condensor (proses BC), menyebabkan temperatur gas turun dan berubah menjadi cairan.
Melalui filter dryer (untuk menghisap moisture) liquid freon (freon cair) menuju expansion valve (proses CD) di mana cairan mengalami:
1. Penurunan tekanan
2. Pengubahan bentuk dari cair menjadi gas
Perubahan bentuk terjadi dengan menghisap panas (atau mengeluarkan dingin) dari / ke udara ke sekitarnya (proses DA). Dengan bantuan fan-evaporator, udara dialirkan ke kamar yang didinginkan.
Liquid yang tak sempat berubah menjadi gas ditampung di suction accumulator.
Demikian seterusnya proses terjadi berulang-ulang.


susah ammat buat entri sendiri.. rererererererererererrere... susah susah susahh